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Young woman ill with cold symptoms

Should You Go to the Dentist with a Cold? What You Need to Know

You’ve got a dental appointment coming up, but you’re also battling a cold. Now you’re stuck with a tough choice: should you go to the dentist with a cold, or should you reschedule? It’s a common worry for many patients, and there’s no one-size-fits-all answer. Let’s dig into this topic to help you make the best call for your health — and the well-being of others. Should You Go to the Dentist with a Cold?

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How Much Do Braces Cost? A Guide to Pricing and Options

Straightening your teeth isn’t just about looks – it’s about oral health too. Unfortunately, too many patients don’t get the opportunity to fix their smile because they’re concerned about how much braces cost. Whether you have a child who needs braces or you’re an adult who is finally considering tackling their teeth and improving their quality of life, we have options for you. How Much Do Braces Cost? How much braces cost depends on a

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Man getting a dental cleaning

How Often Should You Get a Deep Dental Cleaning?

If you’re wondering how often you should get a deep dental cleaning, the answer isn’t one-size-fits-all. For most people, a deep cleaning isn’t a regular occurrence — it’s a specialized treatment for those with signs of gum disease. You might need one if your dentist spots deep pockets between your teeth and gums, typically deeper than 4 millimeters. The frequency depends on your oral health, but once you’ve had a deep cleaning, maintaining good oral

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Scale Pay later graphic

An Ounce Of Prevention Costs A LOT Less Than A Pound Of Cure!

Despite the advent of the American Health Care Act (“Trumpcare”) – with its promise of comprehensive healthcare coverage and reform – does this REALLY mean we’re on the brink of a healthful revolution in the United States? A recent study conducted shows, despite having healthcare coverage either provided through employers or privately contracted, a startling percentage of Americans still suffer from lack of basic medical care! In a survey released by the Kaiser Family Foundation,

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Young dental patients brushing their teeth

A Family Legacy Can ALSO Include SMILES!

In addition to just concluding #NationalMakeAWillMonth in August, today we celebrate #GrandparentsDay here in the U.S. And while some of the observances we note may not readily appear to lend themselves to Dentistry, today’s topic may seem even further from the beaten path than usual! However, it gave us an interesting perspective on the legacy we may be leaving for our family and friends…so hang in there and we promise to make it worth your

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Child dressed up asa the tooth fairy

That “Little” Tooth Fairy Means BIG Economics

  We all remember the excitement of our first visit from the Tooth Fairy, waiting for that magical visit each time we lost a tooth. And while the anticipation remains the same for each generation of children, the price tag associated with that visit has certainly reached new heights! In 1900, the going rate for a lost tooth was around 12 cents – MY how times have changed… Baby Boomers fondly recall getting a shiny new

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