An Ounce Of Prevention Costs A LOT Less Than A Pound Of Cure!
Despite the advent of the American Health Care Act (“Trumpcare”) – with its promise of comprehensive healthcare coverage and reform – does this REALLY mean we’re on the brink of a healthful revolution in the United States? A recent study conducted shows, despite having healthcare coverage either provided through employers or privately contracted, a startling […]
A Family Legacy Can ALSO Include SMILES!
In addition to just concluding #NationalMakeAWillMonth in August, today we celebrate #GrandparentsDay here in the U.S. And while some of the observances we note may not readily appear to lend themselves to Dentistry, today’s topic may seem even further from the beaten path than usual! However, it gave us an interesting perspective on the legacy […]
That “Little” Tooth Fairy Means BIG Economics
We all remember the excitement of our first visit from the Tooth Fairy, waiting for that magical visit each time we lost a tooth. And while the anticipation remains the same for each generation of children, the price tag associated with that visit has certainly reached new heights! In 1900, the going rate for a […]
Suffering From TMJ Disorder? Your Fort Worth & Arlington General and Family Dentist Can Help!
Do you frequently have jaw pain, trouble chewing, or experience recurrent jaw clicking or popping? You may be suffering from TMJ (temporomandibular joint) Disorder – a common condition that affects over 35 million people in the U.S. Often abbreviated TMD or TMJD, this disorder affects women more than men – in fact, about 90% of […]
Calcium Rich Non-Dairy Foods for Strong and Healthy Fort Worth and Arlington Smiles!
Calcium is essential for strong, healthy teeth and bones! And though we all know that milk and cheese are excellent sources of calcium, what if you are lactose intolerant, vegan, or simply don’t like the taste of dairy? Fortunately, there are plenty of calcium-rich foods that don’t contain a drop of milk, many of which […]
Fort Worth and Arlington Residents Ask: What Are the Consequences of Missing Teeth?
When a tooth is severely damaged or decayed, it sometimes must be removed in order to protect the health of a person’s surrounding teeth and overall oral health. Unfortunately, dental issues will not end simply because the problematic tooth is gone, unless the tooth is also soon replaced! A single missing tooth leads to a […]
What are the Benefits of Dental Implants? Fort Worth and Arlington Dentist Explains
Dental implants have been called the most significant dental innovation of our generation, and it’s easy to see why! They are designed to closely mimic the structure of our natural teeth, from root to crown. With a 98% success rate — the highest success rate of all tooth replacement options! — implants are the best […]